Chrome Enterprise
Healthcare Solutions
(Web Page)

A healthy Chrome life

Pretty much any industry can benefit from using Chrome Enterprise hardware, software, and cloud-based apps. 

Chrome Enterprise wanted a website to illustrate the benefits their services can provide for the Healthcare industry. Thus the Healthcare Solutions page — which showcases how cloud-powered firmware can improve the patient and clinician experience — was born.

The Healthcare Solutions page was written for the industry decision maker but with the patient’s perspective in mind.

There’s a business side to healthcare, but the patient should always come first. What would happen if clinicians had quick access to patient records? What if doctors had a faster way to fill out paperwork? They’d have more time to provide quality healthcare, that’s what.

The talented designers and graphic artists from Huge Inc. helped us realize this web experience. (We worked on a similar page for the retail industry, too.)

Scroll down to see the project photo gallery or visit the finished site here.


'80s Sleepover Party (Event Copy)


Google + GABA (Video)